‘New year, new you’, as they say - and they’re not wrong. With 2023 in full swing, now is the perfect time to adopt some healthy new habits, so why not try sustainable living?
All this means is having a lifestyle that causes as little harm to the planet as possible.
We know it sounds pretty daunting, especially considering that most everyday choices have some kind of impact on the environment - what we eat, how we get to work, even how we brush our teeth.
But when you think about it, this also means that the little things will help us get back to a greener planet, which has never been more important.
With the global population at an all time high, there’s a greater need than ever to be more aware of the waste and pollution that we create as individuals.
Luckily, there’s no need to make huge changes, but we do need to work together to make a real difference.
If everyone just makes one or two small adjustments to their daily lives, like car sharing and using more energy-efficient lightbulbs, it will bring us a huge step closer towards preserving the planet for future generations.
Check out our simple tips and tricks for easy ways to do your bit.
Eat less meat. Breeding livestock uses lots of resources and creates tons of pollution, so adopting a vegan diet can really make a difference.
Shop locally and buy Fair Trade.
When you go shopping, make the most of reusable bags and bottles.
Avoid items packaged in single-use plastic - these can’t be recycled. Opt for loose items instead. You can always carry them in your reusable bags.
Only buy what you need. Overbuying often ends with lots of food going in the trash.
Alternatively, try growing your own herbs, fruit and veg.
Make sure you store food properly so it lasts longer.
Reuse packaging like glass jars. They’re really handy for storing other food items, and they make a great home for odd bits and bobs like buttons, threads, etc.
Have a go at meal prep. Not only does it save time, but if you’re only using the stove and oven once, it can save energy too.
Be smart with your food waste. Use up veggie scraps by making homemade stock, for example, or start composting at home.
Recycle, recycle, recycle!
Make use of your dishwasher. Some settings can be more efficient than hand washing. Just remember to scrape food off the dishes first, and only turn it on once it’s full.
Pick up some reusable straws. They’re great for using at home or taking with you to restaurants.
Start bringing a travel cup to coffee shops. Since they’re reusable, it’ll cut back on waste caused by single-use cups.
Turn off the lights. Make the most of natural light when you can and avoid leaving lights on when you leave the house.
Choose LED bulbs rather than incandescent ones - they save energy and last longer.
Turn off the tap while you’re shaving and brushing your teeth.
Avoid using paper towels and single-use tissues and makeup wipes. Try using reusable alternatives like cloths and handkerchiefs.
Avoid using tumble dryers and hair dryers.
When they’re not being used, small appliances can still use power, so try unplugging them after you’ve used them.
Carshare, cycle or use public transport whenever you can.
Avoid using the elevator and take the stairs instead - it’s efficient, and you’ll get a good workout!
Don’t be afraid to buy second hand.
Rather than throwing away unwanted items and clothes, donate them instead. That way, they won’t end up in landfill.
Put a ‘no junk’ sign on your letterbox to help cut down on paper waste.
Make a point of reading online, whether it’s bills and invoices or newspapers and magazines.